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《Apartment 5D》电影好看吗?Apartment 5D影评及简介

发布时间:2021-08-09 19:09:38

《Apartment 5D》电影前言

《Apartment 5D 》好看吗? 科幻 孟加拉国 / 50分钟 2015-07-20孟加拉国上映 Akash is lonely real estate agent who uses virtual reality glasses to show buyers the potential of the empty apartment by projecting a beautifu

Apartment 5D电影海报

  • 科幻
  • 孟加拉国 / 50分钟
  • 2015-07-20孟加拉国上映

《Apartment 5D》剧情简介

Akash is lonely real estate agent who uses virtual reality glasses to show buyers the potential of the empty apartment by projecting a beautifully furnished home. But when the program malfunctions, Akash discovers a digital woman named Serina living in the virtual home.

《Apartment 5D》演员信息

Apartment 5D演员


全部 导演 Amit Ashraf 演员 Peya Bipasha 饰:Serina Prosun Azad 饰:Mini

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