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发布时间:2021-08-09 19:15:49


《南辕北辙 Poles Apart》好看吗? 剧情 动画 短片 家庭 英国 / 12分钟 2017-06-28英国上映 Poles Apart tells the story of an unlikely meeting between Nanuk, a tough female polar bear, and Aklak, an enthusiastic male grizzly be


  • 剧情 动画 短片 家庭
  • 英国 / 12分钟
  • 2017-06-28英国上映


Poles Apart tells the story of an unlikely meeting between Nanuk, a tough female polar bear, and Aklak, an enthusiastic male grizzly bear, brought together by their changing habitats. The lack of food in a melting Arctic has left the solitary Nanuk desperately hungry. When the hopeful and eager Aklak crashes into Nanuk's world, she has to decide if the naïve grizzly bear is her food or her friend.




全部 导演 帕洛玛·巴尔扎 演员 海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 饰:配音 Voice 约瑟夫·梅 饰:配音 Voice



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